Extracurricular Activities
Lower School
- Chess Club
- STEAM Club
- Growing Godly Girls/Boys
- LS Honor Choir
- ARTistry Club
- Lower School Cheer
- Mighty Warriors
- Warrior Leagues
Chess Club
Chess Club begins Wednesday, Sept 11. K-6th grades
Contact Justin@theknightschool.com for registration.
STEAM Club: Grades 1st-4th grade
Contact Mrs. Gonzales for more information shanna.gonzales@twca.net
Growing Godly Girls/Boys
LS Honor Choir
Honor Choir - Contact Mrs. Richardson for more information connie.richardson@twca.net
ARTistry Club
Art Club - Contact Mrs. Nguyen for more information grace.nguyen@twca.net
Lower School Cheer
Mighty Warriors
- 4th grade only
- Afterschool
- Led by Stephanie Koppelman
- This club is open to rising 4th graders. Each spring, those interested in being a Mighty Warrior must apply and go through a selection process, which happens during school hours. Once the team forms, students spend their 4thgrade year learning and developing the fundamental skills and character qualities of servant leadership. Students may host prospective students and families, work at school events, assist teachers and fellow students to meet needs, and lead Lower School students by example.
Warrior Leagues
The Warrior Leagues program is designed for young athletes (Pre-K - 4th grade) to experience excellence in fundamentals and competition through fun, challenging and developmentally appropriate activities. Warrior Leagues include sessions in football, volleyball, boys and girls soccer, boys and girls basketball, softball and baseball.
Middle School
- Ambassadors
- Apologetics Club
- Bass Fishing Club
- Chapel Worship Team
- Chess Club
- Computer Science Club
- Crochet Club
- Growing Godly Girls
- Growing Godly Guys
- Heart, Hands, and Feet of Jesus
- HOSA: Future Health Professionals
- Interact
- International Warriors
- Latin Club
- Lit-Fil-A
- Mu Alpha Theta
- National Honor Society
- Science National Honor Society
- Science Quiz Bowl Team
- Spanish Club
- Student Council
- Warriors Joined for Hope
- World Scholar's Cup
The Student Ambassador Program is a leadership opportunity for students dedicated to serving and representing The Woodlands Christian Academy. The program's mission is to cultivate student leaders who will share the Warrior experience with prospective students, their families and community members and represent TWCA at special events. Selected students will serve as Student Admission Ambassadors, representing our school to all constituents. The primary focus will be allowing students to share our Warrior Way with prospective families through tours and admission events. Activities: Admission Events, High School campus tours, and Leadership Series.
Membership Requirements: Nomination and application
Advisor: TBD
Officer Elections: none
Number of students in the club: 20-30
Apologetics Club
Have you ever been asked any of the following questions: Why are you a Christian? How do you know Christianity is the only way to God? How do you explain suffering in the world if God is good? And so many other difficult questions... What was your answer? Did you wish you had one ready? We have great news: The Apologetics Club exists to provide interested students with answers and tools for defending their faith, an environment where they are encouraged to ask questions about their own faith, and to support their commitment to sharing the Gospel and their biblical worldview with others.
Activities: Presentations, discussions, and support during club meetings. Our new initiative this year is an Apologetics Club podcast.
Membership Requirements: TWCA students with a desire to learn and be challenged.
Meetings: Wednesday and Friday Success Time.
Advisor: Mr. Morris (English) and Mr. Crump (History)
Dues: none
Officer Elections: Club officers are appointed by the advisor.
Number of students in the club: unlimited
Bass Fishing Club
All Things Bass Fishing
Activities: Learning how to fish, monthly fishing activities, Texas High School Fishing Competitions.
Community Service: Each time we meet, we will pick a different purpose to serve. Collecting things like unwanted beanies and jackets for the homeless can have a huge impact!
Membership Requirements: All TWCA students are welcome to join, but in order to fish, students 16+ are required to obtain a fishing license.
Meetings: Once a month and as needed.
Advisor: Ms. Teixeira (Technology) and Mr. Martin (Biology)
Dues: $75 (Includes sweatshirt, internal fishing competition, and lunches, fishing license and external competition fees are not included.)
Officer Elections: Officers appointed by the advisor and club members at the first meeting.
Number of students in the club: unlimited
Club members need to join the TWCA Bass Fishing Group in Remind: https://www.remind.com/join/twcabas
Chapel Worship Team
Equips and supports the spiritual development of our campus via weekly Chapel worship assemblies, small groups, and other faith-based events. This team also seeks to engage in discipleship as well as leading in faithful example for our wider student body.
Activities: Chapel worship and faith-based initiatives.
Membership Requirements: By Audition Only
Meetings: Wednesday-Friday Success Time
Advisor: Mr. Whitson (Math)
Chess Club
Computer Science Club
The goal of the Computer Science Club is to generate interest in Computer Science and foster growth in TWCA Computer Science community.
Activities: practice for Computer Science competitions, tutor other CS students, explore emerging technologies (3D printing, Raspberry Pi, Micro Bit, etc.), and Field Trips on CS topics.
Membership Requirements: Interested in Computer Science
Meetings: The Club meets on the first Wednesday of the month.
Advisor(s): Mr. Westerduin (Computer Science)
Dues: $47 for a hoodie, otherwise free.
Number of students in the club: unlimited
Crochet Club
We crochet so we don’t unravel! Join us for fellowship and an escape from the stress of high school and life while exploring our creativity pillar. We will use our skills and improve our craft to serve others and God with our creative gifts. We don’t “meet” we CREATE!
Activities: Create projects and learn new stitches during meetings to produce products for our service
Community Service: We will create blankets for pregnancy project (women who chose life over abortion), hats for cancer patients, mats for the homeless and other projects directed toward promoting our Christian faith, and other projects members like or want to pursue.
Membership Requirements: any HS student at TWCA may join.
Meetings: Anyone can join at any time. We gather before school, during lunch, and/or Thursday during success. Once you learn a project, come as needed for help with your pattern or for fun and fellowship.
Advisors: Mrs. De Leon Room 660 Micah
Dues: Shirts will be charge to your student account $25 est.; yarn and hooks are provided by the club; specialty yarn or hooks are at your own expense
Number of students in the club: unlimited (currently 18-20 creators)
Prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the world. Competitive opportunities are available for interested students. If you want to know more about business or if you just want to learn and grow alongside your peers, partner with TWCA DECA club.
Meetings: Once a month
Advisor: Mrs. Ruffner (Math)
Number of students in the club: unlimited
Growing Godly Girls
Are you looking for a community of girls that desire to grow in their faith? This club is for all high school girls and offers many opportunities for fellowship, prayer, devotions, and community speakers. You will find a community here that encourages you and prays for you.
Activities: Meetings every other Friday, Spirituality Week at TWCA, Bible study and devotions, and community speakers.
Community Service: Growing Godly Girls helps with decorating and planning activities during LOVE WEEK. The girls also choose a community service project each year.
Membership Requirements: any female HS student at TWCA may join.
Meetings: Every other Friday during Success Time.
Advisors: Mrs. Dew and Ms. Mitchell (Christian Development)
Dues: $25; if you order a shirt.
Number of students in the club: unlimited
Growing Godly Guys
Godly Guys seeks to enhance the spiritual growth of young men on the campus of The Woodlands Christian Academy through providing consistent opportunities for Christian fellowship, Bible study, and encouragement through the Word of God.
Activities/Community Service: Godly Guys serves the community through initiating spiritual growth throughout our entire student body. Godly Guys assists in serving the student body during Spirituality Week.
Membership Requirements: Any male High School student at TWCA can join Godly Guys.
Meetings/Responsibilities: Godly Guys will meet every other Friday morning from 7:15-7:50 a.m.
Advisors: Mr. Campbell (Christian Development) and Mr. Martin (Biology)
Dues: $20
Number of students in the club: unlimited
Location: Godly Guys will either meet in Ruth Auditorium or a teacher’s classroom (pending size and study).
Heart, Hands, and Feet of Jesus
To equip and support the spiritual development of our campus via Chapel worship assemblies and other faith-based events. Quite simply, this team is birthed to help our community reflect Jesus more effectively by finding new and innovative ways to serve as well as to support existing avenues of faith development.
Activities: Chapel worship, new faith-based initiatives
Community Service: Serving our Warrior community in spiritual development.
Membership Requirements: All HS students who seek to serve with their heart, hands, and feet.
Meetings: Every Wednesday
Advisor: Mr. Marez (Christian Development)
Dues: N/A
Officer Elections: N/A
Number of students in the club:
HOSA: Future Health Professionals
Purpose: Further your skills, leadership, and knowledge through competition in area, state, and international competition
Activities/Community Service: HOSA Texas establishes the state’s service each year. Past years’ service have included blood drives, Be the Match, StandUp to Cancer, etc.
Membership Requirements: You must have taken HOSA I, or HOSA II, or Honors Anatomy, or Biotechnology, or currently be enrolled in one of these courses.
Meetings/Responsibilities: Weekly training to prepare for online testing in November, Area Spring Leadership Conference, Area Competition, and then State or International competition if you advance.
Advisor(s): Mrs. DeLeon
Dues: Cost of professional dress for competitions is the responsibility of the participant
Officers/Leaders of the club: President, Vice President, Secretary, Historian, Treasurer, VP of Service, and others
Number of students in the club: 52
This is a community service organization in which the members serve the community by participating in diverse outreach projects throughout the school year. The Interact Club is sponsored by The Rotary Club of The Woodlands.
Community Service Activities (typically 3-4 each month):
o Sponsorship of Felix (student in Zambia)
o Meal packing events or Montgomery Country Food Bank drives
o THair for you – wigs for cancer patients (Pink out)
o Help at Cross Country and Track meets
o StoneBridge Church fun run volunteers
o Ongoing Woodlands Trail - trash disposal
o TWCA Color Run
o Ironman Triathlon – operation of water aid station
o Lower School Movie Night – games and movies with Lower School kids to allow parents a night out.
Membership Requirements: Membership is open to all high school students. To join, students must sign a copy of the bylaws and submit a short essay.
Meetings: The full club meets every other Friday.
Advisor: Coach Earle, Teacher
Dues: $25 a year for new members and $15 for returning members who do not need to purchase another T-shirt.
Number of students in the club: 155 = 52% of the HS students; Total service hours in 2022-2023 = 2,800 hours.
International Warriors
We foster global connections under the Warrior Way and build a tight-knit community celebrating diverse cultures in a variety of ways including food, dance, games, sport and telling stories. The International Warriors Club empowers international students to showcase their culture in a safe haven where they can learn and grow into the Warrior leaders of tomorrow. While learning, respecting and appreciating our diverse mosaic of culture within the walls of TWCA, we encourage our members to build traditions that will be put in place for years to come at The Woodlands Christian Academy.
Activities/Community Service: Attend multicultural events, shows and locations.
Membership Requirements: Members born/lived in another country.
Community Service: Support TWCA Ecuador Mission by purchasing books for the school we sponsor in Ecuador. Encourage attendance on the Ecuador Mission trip in March / June 2024.
Meetings: Last Wednesday of the month and informally Wednesday-Friday during Success.
Responsibilities: Chair to email members with Agenda for monthly meeting.
Finance Chair to provide feedback to members on financial status of club bi-monthly.
Advisor(s): Mrs. Morison and Ms. Potticary
Dues: TBD
Officers/Leaders of the club:
Chair: Oyoor Abraham
Vice Chair: Marilu Monterrosa
Finance Chair: Pedro Rocha
Social/Field Trip Chair: Ava Kember
Outreach: Maria Ballina
Number of students in the club: unlimited (Currently 16-18)
Latin Club
The TWCA Latin Club (Junior Classical League) strives to promote interest in the Latin language and classical culture, serve the school and community, and provide opportunities for fun and fellowship among its members. Membership in our TWCA chapter also includes membership in the Texas and National Junior Classical League.
Activities: Lunch meetings with Latin-themed activities; occasional participation in school sponsored activities, events to promote the study of Latin, and projects to serve our school and community.
Membership Requirements: Open to all current and former Latin students
Meetings: Meets once a month during lunchtime.
Dues: $40 a year; includes a Latin club t-shirt, national and state membership dues, and meeting supplies
Officers: Two Consuls (presidents), a Praetor (Vice-President), an Aedile (Secretary), and a Tribune (Representative) from each class period
Officer Elections & Requirements: Yearly, within the first few weeks of school; officers must be enrolled in Latin, maintain a passing grade in Latin class, and attend planning meetings and club events and activities.
Advisor: Mrs. Bufton (Latin)
Number of students: unlimited
Join Ms. Newman and Mrs. Ruffner as we read, rehash, and review select literary works and their cinematic counterparts. The club meets once a month.
Activities/Community Service: Members read and discuss selected books. Upon completion of the selected work, the cinematic counterpart is viewed, and similarities and differences are discussed.
Membership Requirements: Interest in reading and film.
Meetings: Selected lunch periods as needed to discuss readings.
Advisor(s): Ms. Newman & Mrs. Ruffner
Dues: To be determined based on titles selected
Number of students in the club: Unlimited
Mu Alpha Theta
Mu Alpha Theta is the National High School and Two-year College Mathematics Honor Society. With over 75,000 student members nationwide, MAT is dedicated to promoting scholarship, enjoyment, and passion for mathematics among TWCA students.
Activities: The group enjoys friendly competition using math games and logic puzzles.
Membership Requirements: Current enrollment in Algebra II or higher, completion of Algebra and PAP Geometry with specified grade point average
Meetings: The club meets twice each semester.
Community Service: Members provide math tutoring free of charge for their classmates.
Advisor: Mrs. Ruffner (Accounting/Statistics)
Dues: vary based on number of participants and planned activities
Number of students in the club: 15-20
National Honor Society
The NHS chapter at TWCA serves to recognize students who have demonstrated excellence in scholarship, service, leadership, and character; it offers opportunities for students to continue to develop and strengthen these areas of achievement.
Activities: Service Organization with monthly meetings.
Community Service: PROject Christ Shoe Drive, Easter Egg Hunt (money raised donate to charities such as Hope Beyond Bridges), Teacher Appreciation Week; Meals on Wheels packaging, Boots for Troops packaging for current service.
Membership Requirements: 4.50 to qualify for membership application. Must excel in scholarship, service, character, and leadership (four pillars of NHS).
Meetings: The entire membership meets once a month, and officers have an additional meeting
Advisor: Mrs. Shilling (World History)
Dues: $40
Officer Elections: Held in the early spring; Current Positions: Pres, VP, Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian
Number of students in the club: Currently 22
Science National Honor Society
The purpose of this organization shall be to encourage participation in and recognition of scientific and intellectual thought. It is to advance the students’ knowledge of classical and modern science, to communicate with the scientific community, and to aid the civic community with its comprehension of science. It is to encourage students to participate in community service and, in turn, encourage dedication to the pursuit of scientific knowledge that benefits all mankind.
Activities/Community Service: blood drives, field trips, lunch & learn/guest speakers, biotechnology competition, science quiz bowl competition, outreach projects with lower/middle school and community.
Membership Requirements: Open to 11-12 grade students.
Meetings/Responsibilities: attend meetings, volunteer at blood drives in spring and fall semesters, attend lunch and learns, actively participate on at least one club committee.
Advisor(s): Mrs. McKenny (Science)
Dues: $40 (t-shirt and field trip)
Officers/Leaders of Club: President, Vice President, Public Relations Officer, Secretary, Treasure, Community Outreach Officer (Note- executive board officers attend an additional meeting per month and are required to present a scientific lecture to the club each year)
Science Quiz Bowl Team
Members put their science and math knowledge to the test in competitions against other local high school teams.
Activities/Community Service: Science Quiz Bowl
Membership Requirements: Open to all HS students.
Meetings/Responsibilities: Two weekly practices for 30 minutes each (Wednesday and Friday) at success/lunch. We ask that you be able to attend an average of once weekly or three times a month.
Advisor(s): Mrs. DeLeon (Science)
Dues: $0; Shirts or half-zips for competition are your responsibility.
Officers/Leaders of Club: 1 Captain per team, 1 alternate per team
Number of Students in the club: 10-15 (5 per team, 2-3 teams)
Spanish Club
To promote Hispanic culture and fellowship amongst the student body.
Activities: monthly luncheons, movie night, Salsa dancing lessons, fun community-service opportunities.
Community Service: November Chili cook-off to raise money for students going to Ecuador, and pizza night where parents drop off their kids and have a date night.
Membership Requirements: paying membership fee and participating in activities.
Meetings: The club meets once a month.
Advisor: Señor Broughton (Spanish)
Dues: $50 a year and includes a T-shirt and club activities.
Elections: at discretion of Advisor
Number of students in the club: unlimited
Student Council
The members of Student Council are the voice of the student body serving as the liaison between the student body, faculty, and administration. Members develop their leadership skills by organizing and overseeing school activities and programs while helping to raise school spirit and develop a sense of community in the student body.
Activities: The Council members plan events that contribute to school spirit and community welfare (New Student Orientation, Homecoming Week, Holiday Dress-up Week, Spring Semester Dance, Paint Wars, and Flag Football)
Community Service: Sock and Shoe Drive
Membership Requirements: The Student Council consists of both elected officers and appointed representatives. Each grade has three elected class officer positions: Class President*, Class Vice President, and up to three appointed Class Representatives. **Class Representatives are appointed by a committee of TWCA Faculty and Staff.
Expectations and Responsibilities: Exemplify academic achievement by maintaining a cumulative 3.0 Grade Point Average, exemplify Woodlands Christian’s standards in all areas of behavior and conduct, set the standard for dress code expectations by always following dress code, participate in service opportunities agreed upon on by Student Council, attend all weekly meetings (Mondays 8-9 a.m.) and committee meetings as necessary, attend all activities and programs sponsored by Student Council, assist administrators and staff with organizing and promoting events, and encourage class participation in class events.
Advisor(s): Mrs. Gorski and Mr. Wietstruck (High School Administration)
Warriors Joined for Hope
WJH exists to provide mental health resources, support, and education to high schoolers. In addition, we seek to create a peer support network for students to connect with one another and share their experiences. WJH encourages healthy habits and self-care practices, such as regular exercise, mindfulness, and stress management techniques. Finally, we work to reduce stigma around mental health issues and promote a culture of openness and understanding.
Activities/Community Service: National Suicide Prevention Week, National Bullying Prevention Week, Out of the Darkness Walk, World Kindness Day, Hope for the Holidays, National Stress Awareness Month, Midterm Stress Labs
Membership Requirements: attend monthly meetings.
Meetings/Responsibilities: every other Wednesday
Advisor(s): Mr. Crump
Dues: none
Officers/Leaders of the club: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Social Media Manager
Number of students in the club: unlimited
World Scholar's Cup
WSC is an academic competition that is a celebration of learning.
Activities/Community Service: In teams of three, students compete in a quiz bowl, debate, essay, and scholar’s challenge. Each year the topic changes and students’ study and compete against other teams at a regional round in May, a global round in the summer, and a Tournament of Champions at Yale in the fall.
Membership Requirements: the joy of learning and competing and having fun.
Meetings/Responsibilities: TBD
Advisor(s): Mrs. Chapman (MS Dean of Academics)
Dues: $0; Students will pay their competition fees and travel expenses.
Officers/Leaders of the Club: None
Number of Students in the club: Unlimited (teams of three).
Each new competition season begins in January. Be on the lookout for an email from Mrs. Chapman