The Woodlands Christian Academy is an independent, Christ centered college preparatory day school serving students in PreK through 12th grade. With a strong 30-year history and a clear vision for the future, Woodlands Christian is leading the way for Christian education in the north Houston area. Learn more about Woodlands Christian and experience the difference!
- Do you have to be Christian to enroll at Woodlands Christian?
- Is Woodlands Christian Accredited?
- What grades do you offer?
- What about security on campus?
- How much is tuition?
- Do you use technology in the classroom?
- Where do your graduates go to college?
- Do students go on field trips/travel?
- What is your student retention rate?
- Does Woodlands Christian offer extracurricular activities?
- Is there a dress code?
- Do students take standardized tests?
- Is the school work challenging?
- Do you have a College Advisor on staff?
- Class size?
- Are your teachers certified?
- Do you offer a hot lunch program?
- Do you offer before and after school care?
- Do you have a school nurse?
- What are the school hours?